Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Talk about last minute!

I Puma  goes to Southampton tomorrow  and I fly on Friday!

I have found a company online that will file my ISF as I'm not sure I can wait for my account to be set up with ACE.  This is one part that I have left a little bit too late…  I have emailed across my requirements and they're going to charge me 60 bucks to sort it out for me. To save myself the stress, I would rather pay the 60 bucks! 

Since I finished at work, I have been a busy boy prepping the car - I broke the ariel, so raided a scrap KA for a new one, replaced the Heater Control Valve and a headlight (whining adjustment motor), given the car a full service and changed a wheel bearing. I fixed the handbrake (was only locking one wheel) and attacked the rusty rear wheel arches… I wasn't going to bother but given all the rain that has come down recently, the OS (soon to be NS) wheel arch was ready to fall off!

With the arches now repaired, a new set of plugs and a vacuum, the Puma is ready for cleaning. 

If the car is not without mud when it arrives, I will either have to write it off or pay a heavy cleaning bill to customs (really!). 

Needless to say, I've jacked the car right up in order to jet wash underneath and get all the mud out from the wheel arches and suspension components. The vehicle is now as ready as it will ever be… Let's just hope they don't crush it at the other end!


  1. Good Luck on Friday, hope every thing will go well. Looking forward to follow the two of you in the US.
    Martin (pumamartin)
