Wednesday, 2 March 2016

I got pulled over again.. And this time, I wasn't even driving!

So I got pulled over again.. By a Deputy Sheriff no less! My buddy Noah (previously photographed behind the wheel) took the car for a ride around his neighbourhood, which he is licenced and insured to do. I was chatting to his Dad (also my pal) on their driveway when Noah turns up on the drive in a bit of a rush and tells me that he got pulled over, that the cop believed the car to be illegal, was going to impound it and put one of us in jail.

I giggled and told him to pull the other one... Then a police car pulled up!

The officer was a little rattled as it was not something he had ever had to deal with, but I promptly gave the officer my papers and explained to him the legalities, gauging his genuine interest and moving onto the fun stuff - like this blog! He was able to hook up to the internet and check out this very blog from the drivers seat of his Ford Police Interceptor! Now that's cool...

The officer was most interested and was happy with all the legalities. He checked my licence (which I have since lost after the visit - need to order another one and I only just got the damn thing!) before quickly asking me about the importation, costs, difficulty and how easy is it to find a Supra in the UK... And the truth comes out!

The Deputy and I have stayed in touch over email.

In another string to the life of the Puma, a pretty lady in a generic looking American car wound her window down at the lights and in true Hollywood-style... Wait for it...

"Nice ride!"
